The Telangana Board has published the board exam timetable for students in 12th grade. Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) has already conducted the Inter First Year and Second Year Annual Examination Time Table.
The TS Inter Time Table 2023 is available on the official portal of the Telangana Board of Education, i.e.
Therefore, students appearing for the Inter 1st-year and 2nd-year examinations of the Telangana Board who are now waiting for their board results can also check the results date sheet from the official website and this article.
According to the exam schedule, the TS Inter First Year examination began on 15 March 2023 and ended on 3 April 2023. The TS Inter Second Year board exams will start on 15 March 2023 and run until 4 April 2023.
TS Inter Time Table 2023 Release Date was 19 December 2022, and now it’s time for the results, which we will read further about in this topic in an informative way, so stay tuned till the end.

Telangana Intermediate Exam 2023- Important Highlights:
Name of the Board | Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education |
Academic Year | 2023 |
Telangana Class 12 Exam Starts | 15 March 2023 |
Telangana Class 12 Exam Over | 4 April 2023 |
Category | Exam Details |
TS Inter Time Table 2023 Release Date | 19 December 2022 |
Official Website | |
Steps To Download TS Inter Time Table 2023-2024:
The board exams for the 2023 batch are over, and they are eagerly awaiting the results, which are also covered in this article. Therefore this process is to check and download the board timetable for the upcoming batch who will give their board exams next year so that they will be prepared beforehand.
- Log on to the official website of Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education i.e.
- On the home page, you will get the banner “News and Announcements”
- This section links to the “Timetable for IPE 2023”.

- The TS 1st and 2nd Year Intermediate Exam Dates will appear on your screen in PDF format.
- Download and take a print of the Telangana Intermediate Exam 2023 Timetable for your future reference.

TS Intermediate 1st year Exam 2023- Time Table:
Exam Date | Subject (9 am to 12 noon) |
March 15, 2023, | 2nd Language Paper-I |
March 17, 2023, | English Paper- I |
March 20, 2023, | Mathematics Paper-IA, Botany Paper-I, Political Science Paper-I |
March 23, 2023 | Maths Paper-IB, Zoology Paper-I, History Paper-1 |
March 25, 2023, | Physics Paper-I, Economics Paper-I |
March 28, 2023, | Commerce Paper-I, Chemistry Paper-I |
March 31, 2023, | Bridge Course Maths Paper-1 (for BI.P.C students), Public Admin. Paper-I |
April 3, 2023, | Geography Paper-1, Modern Language Paper-1 |
TSBIE Inter 2nd Year Exam Time Table 2023:
Exam Date | Subject (9 am to 12 noon) |
March 16, 2023, | 2nd Language Paper – II |
March 18, 2023, | English Paper-II |
March 21, 2023, | Botany Paper-II, Mathematics Paper-IIA, Political Science Paper-II |
March 24, 2023, | Mathematics Paper- IIB, History Paper-2, Zoology Paper-II |
March 27, 2023, | Physics Paper-II, Economics Paper-2 |
March 29, 2023, | Chemistry Paper- II, Commerce Paper-2 |
April 1, 2023, | Public Administration Paper-II, Bridge Course Maths Paper-II |
April 4, 2023, | Geography Paper-2, Modern Language Paper-2 |
TS 1st And 2nd Year Class 12 Time Table 2023 For Practical Exams:
Event | Exam Dates |
TS inter 1st & 2nd-year timetable 2023 for practical exams | 15 February 2023 to 2 March 2023 |
TS Inter Results 2023 Update:
Telangana State Board has examined class 11th and 12th students. All the students who appeared in the examination awaited the Result curiously. The Telangana Board of Examination took the exam, where many candidates appeared in huge numbers.
Notification | TS Intermediate Result 2023 (1st & 2nd Year) |
Conducting Body | Telangana State Board Of Intermediate Education |
Exam Date | April 2023 |
Result Date | May 10, 2023, |
Result Mode | Online |
Official Website | |
How To Check TS Intermediate Results 2023 For 1st Or 2nd Year?
Students in intermediate 1st and 2nd years took their exams under the direction of the Telangana State Board Of Intermediate Education. All of the pupils who took the exam are eagerly awaiting the results. The Telangana Board of Testing administered the exam, and many applicants showed up.
- First, open your browser and go to:: Memo Download :::: (
- A new page will appear; enter your roll number and essential details to get your Result.

- After filling in the registration number details, one can see and check the intermediate scorecards 2023.
This way, you can apply online to check your TS intermediate result. Once the TSBIE result is evaluated, the board will declare the Result and activate the links on the website. Also, make sure that you have entered the correct registration number and that there are no mistakes in your result card basic information such as name, gender, DOB, school name, etc.
Alternatives To Check The 2023 Results:
One can also check the Result via sms. Students must have the registration number to check the Result via SMS. Type this message in the same format and send it to 56263.
TS Intermediate Result- Minimum Qualifying Marks 2023:
Students will be considered passing and qualified to enroll in graduate courses. They need to score at least 35% in each subject. There are 5 subjects, each worth 100 points, and the points are distributed accordingly.
Students who received marks out of 500 will have their scores transformed into marks. If somebody fails their final exam, a second exam is also scheduled. The relevant school will provide a mark sheet upon releasing the TS Inter 2nd Year Results 2023.
TS 1st & 2nd Inter Result 2023 Re-Evaluation:
- Re-evaluation registrations will be open after the result declaration of TS Intermediate Result 2023. Applicants dissatisfied with their grades in the TS inter results may request a recounting of their answer sheets or re-evaluate their grades.
- This is to improve the marks in your exam, but there are chances that marks can also decrease after re-evaluation. Students must submit a request form and payment before the deadline to use this service.
- The board will re-evaluate the answers submitted by the students who requested revaluation and then distribute a revised mark sheet. Students should know that marks may drop after appraisal, and there is no way to contest the results.
TS Intermediate Instructions 2023-2024:
- It would be best if you had sound study strategies to practice to ace your intermediate examinations. Know your course material and syllabus inside and out. You’ll know what to study and how much time to set aside.
- If you are thinking of a supplementary exam, you must understand the rules and regulations for the supplementary exam of the TS Board. Each day, choose one language and one non-language subject. Your study regimen won’t become boring in this way.
- If you want to ace your intermediate exams, you need effective study techniques that you may use. Understand the course material completely. You’ll be aware of the material to study and the amount of time required. Pick a language and a non-language subject for each day.
- This will prevent your study routine from becoming monotonous. Consult reliable books to help you get ready for your study. Reference books teach you more about your subjects than compulsory textbooks. To prepare for your studies, consult reputable books. You’ll learn more about your subjects through reference books than you may from your required textbooks.
TS Intermediate Results Merit List 2023:
Telangana State Board Merit List will be announced after the result declaration. Individuals can check it on the official website or from their school. The merit list will be out of state wise and in districts wise.
It will depend on the total number of students appearing in the examination and the total marks scored by the students. Merit list candidates will be honoured as the highest-scored candidates in the examination.
Frequently Asked Questions:
The schedule for half-yearly Telangana Inter exams or annual exams is still to be announced by the Telangana board.
Marks Range Percentage of Marks Grade:
750 and above 75% or above- A
600 to 749 marks More than or equal to 60% and less than 75%- B
500 to 599 marks More than or equal to 50% and less than 60%- C
350 to 499 marks More than or equal to 35% and less than 50%- D
Due to the prevailing Covid situation, the TSBIE syllabus 2022 was reduced by 30%. For 2023, there are currently no updates.
Summing Up:
Conclusively, the Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) is a state board responsible for secondary education in Telangana, India. The board is responsible for conducting the intermediate examinations, managing the syllabus, and providing textbooks to the students.
TSBIE aims to provide quality education to students and improve their knowledge and skills to prepare them for the future. The board has implemented various initiatives to improve the education system and enhance students’ learning experience.
With its dedicated efforts towards education, TSBIE has played a significant role in shaping the future of Telangana by producing skilled and knowledgeable individuals.