Odisha Skill Development Authority[ODSA] – Skills Training

The government-led Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA) drives the development of vocational skills in India. This article will look at the OSDA’s background, goals, implementation, and effects on the labour market in India.

Skills development has become a crucial component of the work sector in today’s competitive world. For many years, the Indian government has worked to encourage and promote vocational training.

One such program that has been crucial in advancing the development of vocational skills in India is the Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA).

Odisha Skill Development Authority

Objectives Of The Odisha Skill Development Authority:

The establishment of Employment Organizations in several States. In Odisha, the Department of Skill Development & Technical Education Government of Odisha is directly in charge of the Directorate of Employment. The Directorate manages the Employment Exchanges and State Employment Mission’s operations.

The Directorate mainly functions as a regulatory agency that ensures that work is done effectively, that policies and procedures are followed, and that the necessary steps are taken to improve the employment situation.

The Director of Employment oversees the Employment Organization and serves as the State Employment Mission’s Project/Mission Director.

What Is The Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA)?

The Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA) is a project of the Odisha government to offer its citizens skill development and vocational training. The OSDA’s primary goal is to develop a skilled labour force in Odisha to satisfy the demands of the expanding employment market.

Overview Of Odisha Skill Development Authority:

The Central and State Governments currently share responsibility for the Employment Service. The State Government has administrative jurisdiction over the department.

The policies and procedures to be used in the functional operations of the Employment Exchanges are established at the national level by the Directorate General of Employment & Training, New Delhi, to maintain consistency in how the Employment Exchanges operate throughout India.

History Of OSDA:

Under the pressure of post-war demobilization, the Employment Service was created in India. The need for a system that could handle the orderly reintegration of a sizable number of service members and war employees who were about to be released into civilian life was acutely felt towards the end of the Second World War.

The Directorate General of Resettlement and Employment (D.G.R. & E) was established in July 1945 in line with a federal and state governments approved plan. Employment exchanges were gradually opened in various regions of the nation.

Employment service facilities were only available to demobilise service members and released war employees until 1946. The Employment Exchanges were requested to settle displaced people due to the country’s split in 1947.

With effect from 1 November 1956, the organisation’s day-to-day management was transferred to the State Governments based on the recommendations of the Sri Shiva Rao-led Training and Employment Services Organization Committee.

Objectives Of OSDA:

The OSDA has the following objectives:

  • Enhancing employability:

By giving young people in Odisha the appropriate education and training, the OSDA hopes to increase their employability. This will not only aid in lowering unemployment but also enhance the state’s general economic expansion.

  • Creating a Skilled Workforce:

To address the demands of diverse businesses, the OSDA wants to develop a trained workforce in Odisha. By doing so, the skill gap will be closed, and the state will become skilled labour self-sufficient.

  • Facilitating entrepreneurship:

To support and teach budding business owners, the OSDA promotes entrepreneurship. This will support economic growth and the creation of new job opportunities.

Benefits Of The Odisha Skill Development Authority:

The state of Odisha and India has significantly benefited from the work of the Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA). The following are a few of the OSDA’s significant effects:

  • Employability improved: The OSDA has given vocational training to thousands of Odisha people, enhancing their employability and assisting them in obtaining better jobs.
  • Encouragement of entrepreneurship: In Odisha, the EDP program has promoted and assisted entrepreneurship, establishing several successful firms.
  • Collaboration between industry and academics: This has improved due to the OSDA’s facilitation of this engagement. As a result, the training that is offered is industry-specific and career-oriented.

Programs And Initiatives Offered By The Odisha Skill Development Authority:

Many industries and activities have been used to implement the Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA), including:

  1. Placement-linked Skill Training Program (PLSTP): The OSDA collaborates with numerous businesses and organisations as part of this program to offer vocational training to Odisha people. Each industry’s unique needs are addressed in training, ensuring graduates are prepared for the workforce.
  2. Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP): The purpose of the EDP is to encourage self-employment and entrepreneurship in Odisha. The OSDA helps ambitious entrepreneurs launch their enterprises by offering training, mentoring, and financial support.
  3. Skill Development Centers (S.D.C.s): The OSDA has created several Skill Development Centers (S.D.C.s) in Odisha. These facilities offer vocational training in various industries, including healthcare, hospitality, retail, and construction.
  4. Recognition of Prior Learning: The Recognition of Prior Learning (R.P.L.) project was launched by OSDA in response to its credit that many people have learned skills informally. Anyone can get their abilities evaluated and certified through this project. This certification can be used to apply for jobs or additional training because it is the same as a formal qualification.
  5. Apprenticeship Programs: Moreover, OSDA has started apprenticeship programs in collaboration with the sector. The kids participating in these programs receive on-the-job training, exposing them to the industry and real-world experience. They are paid a stipend throughout the apprentices’ training term, lasting anywhere from six months to two years.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the role of the OSDA in skill development in India?

A: To increase their employability and prepare them for the needs of the labour market, the OSDA offers vocational training and skill development to the people of Odisha.

What are the objectives of the OSDA?

A: The OSDA seeks to generate a skilled workforce, offer vocational education, promote entrepreneurship, and establish a long-term framework for skill development.

3-How does the OSDA implement its programs and initiatives?

A: Via entrepreneurship development programs, skill development centres, and placement-linked skill training, the OSDA puts its policies and initiatives into action.

What impact the OSDA had on India?

A: The OSDA has promoted entrepreneurship, increased industry-academia cooperation, and increased the employability of Odisha people.

What challenges does the OSDA face?

A: The OSDA needs help with poor funding, awareness, and training.

What is the full form of Osda?

The full form of ODSA is Odisha Skill Development Authority.


The development of vocational skills in India has been greatly aided by the Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA).

The OSDA has promoted entrepreneurship, developed a trained workforce, and enhanced industry-academia cooperation through its many programs and projects. Although there are still several obstacles to overcome, the OSDA’s prospects for the future are positive.

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