HRMS Odisha Payslip – How To Login & Download?

The HRMS acronym is Human Resource Management System, a digital system developed to simplify employee record-keeping. Specifically, HRMS Odisha Payslip Login is a version of this system designed for the Government Employees of the Odisha state.

Since over 3.8 lakh permanent employees are in the state, maintaining their data in paper format can be incredibly challenging. Therefore, the government implemented a digital solution through an online portal that helps store and manage employee data more efficiently. 

The website offers various services, making it easier for employees to access important information such as their payslips, leave status, and attendance records. Besides the website, HRMS Odisha also provides a mobile application that can perform all the activities on the website.

This innovative solution helps to save time and eliminate the need for employees to go through cumbersome administrative processes.

HRMS Odisha has streamlined the record-keeping process by providing these advanced technological features, making it more manageable for everyone involved.

Hrms Odisha

HRMS Odisha Overview:

  • Launched By: Human Resource Management System Odisha
  • Name of Scheme: HRMS Odisha 
  • Objective: Easier to check payslips directly
  • Benefits: Helps the government to keep detailed records on employee’s wages
  • Eligibility Criteria: Odisha government employees
  • State: Odisha

Critical Benefits of HRMS Odisha:

The Government of Odisha has introduced HRMS Odisha, a portal designed to cater to all the needs of government employees. This system lets employees access information about their payslips, loans, complaints, and deductions. The government aims to launch this portal to provide an efficient and convenient human resource and data management method.

HRMS Odisha is a crucial tool for the government to track and manage employee details. It records recruitment processes, payslips, and other departmental updates. This automated management system is essential in ensuring that government processes are efficient and streamlined.

Employees can easily search for new job opportunities using the HRMS Odisha Payslip Login by referring to their pay slips. This feature enables them to seek employment options in other sectors while still working in the government sector. The portal also enables employees to quickly request loans, streamlining the loan process for government workers.

Thus, HRMS Odisha has been highly beneficial for government employees. Its comprehensive system and user-friendly features have made employee management processes efficient, convenient, and accessible. The portal has revolutionized human resource management in the government sector, contributing to Odisha’s more effective and efficient governance system.

Advantages of HRMS Odisha Payslip Login:

There are several advantages to using the portal set up by the government of Odisha. 

  • Firstly, it is accessible to the government and employees and is a convenient platform for examining pay stubs and completing various tasks. This makes it an essential tool for both parties to ensure smooth operation and organization within the government structure.
  • Secondly, all state employees can apply for bank loans on this website. The platform is a reliable and efficient source for applying for loans, simplifying the process and enabling access to various financial institutions.
  • Finally, one of the significant benefits of utilizing the portal is that employees can use their obtained pay slips as a reference point when applying for new jobs. This provides credibility and reliability to prospective employers, making finding new employment more streamlined and efficient. 

This portal is highly recommended and offers numerous benefits to government bodies and state employees.

HRMS Odisha Payslip Login – Step by step

HRMS Odisha is a website that serves as a repository of information related to service records, payslips, promotions, transfers, leaves, and performance details of around 3.8 lakh employees working under the Government of Odisha. The website URL is, and the first step to logging in to the website is to ensure that you have registered. 

  • To begin with, the login process, visit the HRMS Odisha website and open the Home page. 
  • Once the Home page loads, look for the option to log in, which is situated on the top-right side of the page. 
  • You will see the option – “PERSONAL LOGIN/HRMS LOGIN.” Choose this option to proceed with the login.
login option hrms odisha
  • Upon selecting that option, you will be directed to a page where you must enter your User Id and Password, which you provided while registering on the website. 
User id and password hrms odisha
  • You must also enter a security code in the provided space to ensure you are not a robot. Once you have entered all the details, click the ‘Login’ button to continue.
  • After verifying the details, you will be taken to your HRMS Odisha profile. This profile will give you access to all the services available on the website. 

The login process is a crucial step in accessing the features of the HRMS Odisha website and provides easy and convenient access to employees to all their information and records.

How to Download HRMS Odisha Payslip?

To download their payslip for a specific month, employees of HRMS Odisha must first visit the official HRMS Odisha website. Employees can view and print their payslips for the month and year in question through this website. The process of downloading a payslip involves the following steps.

  • Firstly, employees should go to the official website of HRMS Odisha at Upon arrival, click the “PERSONAL LOGIN/HRMS LOGIN” button to access the website with their login credentials. A successful login will redirect employees to another webpage containing all HRMS Odisha services.
LOgin INformation HRMS odisha
  • Next, locate the “My Payslip” section under “My Reports”. Click on it to access the desired payslip for download or viewing. Once the page loads, you will be prompted to select the year and month from the given list.
  • Choose the desired year and month, then click the “Ok” button to proceed. A brief summary of the payment slip for the month and year chosen will appear.
  • Lastly, click on the “View” button to see the generated payslip from HRMS Odisha. You can save, download, or print the HRMS Odisha payslip. 

HRMS Odisha employees can easily download and access their payslips following these steps.

How to recover the HRMS Odisha Password?

Maintaining a password takes work, especially when one has multiple websites. Forgetting the password is a common issue faced by many. Fortunately, the HRMS Odisha website offers a hassle-free password recovery process that can be completed in simple steps.

  • To initiate the process, visit the official HRMS Odisha website portal, which can be accessed by typing on the web browser. 
  • On the homepage, navigate to the personal login tab. Look for the “forgot password” option, which can be found at the bottom of the same page.
forgot password option hrms odisha
  • Click on the “forgot password” option and proceed as per the instructions provided. The system will prompt a new page where you must enter the registered mobile number associated with the HRMS account. Enter your date of birth and the security code to verify your identity.
Forgot password tab odisha
  • Ensure that all the details entered are accurate, and then click on the send button. Once done, the HRMS password reset link will be sent to your registered mobile number. Use this link to reset the password and easily log in to the website.

After logging in, you can check the payslip details without further hurdles. Thus, the password recovery process is quick and effortless, allowing HRMS Odisha website users to continue using the portal without facing any interruptions.

How to Register Your Mobile Number on HRMS Odisha Portal?

One of the essential steps an employee can take is to link their mobile number with their HRMS Odisha account. By doing this, employees can stay up-to-date with various issues and receive links for resetting passwords or changing their accounts. Here’s how to register your mobile number in the HRMS Odisha portal:

  • After login, select the “e-services for the employee” option on the menu bar. 
  • Thirdly, click on the “registration sign-up” button. 
  • Fourthly, a new page will appear, requiring you to input your details and registered mobile number. 
  • Fifthly, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number, which you must input in the designated field to proceed. 
  • Lastly, click the “save” or “create account” button. 

It’s important to note that HRMS details may differ based on government or organization directives. However, this process can be followed using the login details of the website portal. With these simple steps, employees can easily link their mobile numbers to their HRMS accounts and enjoy the benefits of streamlined communication and accessibility.

HRMS Odisha Mobile App:

The Government of Odisha has taken a significant step towards digitization by launching the HRMS Odisha Mobile Application, which enables employees to access their data and services using their mobile devices.

This initiative aims to improve convenience and accessibility and streamline administrative tasks, making it easier for employees to access and update their information from anywhere at any time. Downloading and installing the HRMS Odisha Mobile Application is a straightforward process. 

  • To begin with, users must search for the official app, “HRMS Odisha,” on the Google Play Store. Once located, they can install the app on their mobile devices. Upon completion, users must log in to the app using their employee user id and password.
HRMS odisha play store
  • Before proceeding, it is essential to link the user’s mobile number to the application by entering the OTP (One-Time Password) sent to their mobile number to validate it. 
  • Once the number is validated, employees can use the app by accessing the HRMS Odisha Mobile Application services.

Users can access their information, make changes, and update records with a few clicks. This move towards digitization reflects the Government’s commitment to ensuring greater transparency and accountability in public service delivery, providing more efficient and effective services to its employees.

How To Apply For HRMS Odisha Leave Application?

Applying for leave on the Odisha HRMS portal is an uncomplicated and direct process. The steps involved in this process are mentioned below.

  • To start the application process, head to the official website and log in. The “My Page” tab will appear, and then click on the “Leave” option, which is available under the “Request or Apply” folder situated in the left-hand side panel.
  • After clicking the “Leave” option, a new window will appear, displaying a list of all your previously submitted leave applications. This list provides the current status of your prior applications.
  • If you wish to apply for new leave, you need to select the “Apply” button present at the bottom left-hand corner of the list.
  • The top panel of the form, the decision support panel, shows you the number of available leave days. This panel displays the balance of your Earned Leave, Half Pay Leave, and Casual Leave up to the current date.
  • When you begin filling out the form, the name of the officer to whom the application must be sent automatically appears at the top of the application.
  • After that, select the type of leave you need and mention if it is for a long-term duration.
  • Once that is done, specify the duration of your leave and select the prefix and suffix period using the personal calendar.
  • If necessary, you may attach a Medical Certificate with your application form.
  • If you request Half Pay Leave, you can apply for leave commutation.
  • Additionally, you can apply for Headquarter Leaving Permission along with your leave application and provide your contact details for your absence.
  • To complete the process, provide the reason for taking leave, and then submit your leave application by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom-left corner. 

Following the abovementioned steps, you can efficiently submit your leave application on the Odisha HRMS portal.

HRMS Odisha e-Service Book Update:

The HRMS Odisha e-Service Book is an essential tool that allows regular employee information updates. To make such updates, users must follow a set of simple instructions. 

  • The first step involves accessing the “My Office” tab in HRMS. This tab provides access to various functionalities related to employee records, including updating e-Service Book entries.
  • Upon selecting an employee’s name from the left panel, the user can choose from several options in the boxes on the right-side panel. These options range from Leave and Pay to Recruitment and Punishment & Reward. Depending on the information that requires updating, the user must select the appropriate group and make the necessary changes.
  • For instance, if the user wants to record an employee’s new increment sanction order, they must choose “Increment Sanction” from the “Pay” group. This action opens a new panel on the right side, which allows the user to input relevant data into the appropriate form fields. This includes details such as the sanction order number, date, sanctioning authority, date and time of effect, type of increment, pay scale/pay band, etc.
  • After filling in all the necessary details, the user must save the new increment sanction order by clicking the “Save” button. This simple step ensures that the employee’s service book gets updated promptly with accurate and up-to-date information. By following these steps, users can manage their e-Service Book efficiently and without any hassle.

HRMS Odisha Contact Address & Helpline Number:

If you need assistance with your Human Resource Management System (HRMS), look no further than the team at HRMS. To get in touch, we encourage you to take note of the contact address and helpline number.

The offices are in A-2, Ist Floor, Toshali Bhavan, Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar, with the Pincode of 751007. Should you need to reach out via phone, the helpline number is 8763545188.

If you prefer electronic communication, they are happy to connect with you via email. The email address is

Whatever your needs may be regarding HRMS, they are ready and willing to help. Do not hesitate to contact them through any of the above contact methods, and they will do their best to assist you as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is HRMS Odisha?

HRMS Odisha, also known as the Human Resource Management System, is an online platform developed by the Government of Odisha. Its purpose is to streamline and automate the state’s human resources management.

2. What services does HRMS Odisha provide?

HRMS Odisha offers a range of services to state government employees. These services include online salary generation, pension processing, employee self-service, online leave management, online transfer and posting, and online recruitment.

3. How can I access my salary slip on HRMS Odisha?

To access your salary slip on HRMS Odisha, you can follow these steps:
-Log in to the portal using your user ID and password.
-Go to the request/submission tab.
-Select the HRMS salary slip option.
-Choose the desired month and year for the payslip you wish to download.

4. Can I update my personal information on HRMS Odisha?

Yes, HRMS Odisha provides an employee self-service feature that allows you to view your details and update your contact information.

5. How can I check the status of my pension application on HRMS Odisha?

To check the status of your pension application on HRMS Odisha, you can perform the following steps:
-Log in to the portal.
-Navigate to the pension processing system.
-Track the status of your pension application and view your pension details.

6. How can I receive notifications on HRMS Odisha?

You need to link your registered mobile number with the portal to receive notifications on HRMS Odisha. Follow these steps:
-Visit the e-service for employees tab on the portal.
-Select the registration option.
-Link your registered mobile number.
-you will receive notifications on your registered mobile number once linked.

Wrapping Up:

In Odisha’s modern Human Resource Management System Website, employees can quickly request and receive approval for time off directly on their online profiles. They can also effortlessly view, download, and print their monthly payslips.

Any transfer or promotion orders are swiftly posted to the respective employees’ profiles, making communication seamless and instantaneous. Additionally, the portal meticulously organizes every employee’s service book for convenient and efficient record keeping.

Not only does this innovative website optimize data management and streamline processes with real-time notifications and reporting, but it also provides a valuable platform for employee communication and boosts overall performance.

Odisha’s Human Resource Management System is the ideal solution for efficient and effective personnel management in today’s digital age.

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