Green Skill Development Program [GSDP] – Jobs & Opportunities

The Ministry has launched a program to close the skill gaps by providing training to equip young people with the skills they need in the environment, forest, and wildlife sectors, allowing them to find meaningful employment or work. In June 2017, the Green Skill Development Program’s Pilot program was introduced in 10 places throughout 9 bio-geographic areas of the nation.

The Pilot provided three-month-long Basic and Advanced Courses to train the kids as Para-taxonomists and Biodiversity Conservationists, respectively. The Advanced Course was completed by 154 candidates, while 94 trainees who completed the Basic Course qualified as skilled biodiversity conservationists.

Overview Of The Green Skill Development Program (GSDP):

Instead of emphasizing “soft” or “green” talents, most vocational training programs concentrate on mechanical/technical skills. Jobs that safeguard ecosystems and biodiversity, conserve energy, and reduce waste and pollution are among the vocations that require green talents to help maintain or restore environmental quality for a sustainable future.

Utilizing the extensive network and knowledge of ENVIS Hubs/RPs, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has launched an initiative for skill development in the environment and forest sector to help India’s youth find gainful employment and self-employment. This initiative is known as the Green Skill Development Program (GSDP).

Background Of Green Skill Development Program (GSDP):

  • In June 2017, the GSDP pilot project was established to train biodiversity conservationists (Basic Course) and para-taxonomists (Advance Course) in 10 places across 9 bio-geographic zones of the nation.
  • 154 trainees finished the Advanced Course, qualifying as trained Para-taxonomists, and 94 completed the Basic Course, allowing skilled Biodiversity Conservationists.
  • The focal Centers for the pilot program were the ENVIS RPs at the Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), and their corresponding regional offices.
  • The GSDP is being scaled up to an all-India level based on feedback from the stakeholders.
  • In collaboration with the National Skill Development Agency, MoEF&CC conceptualized and created the Green Skill Development Program (GSDP).


Candidates who complete the Course (s) may find gainful employment in zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, biosphere reserves, botanical gardens, nurseries, wetland sites, State Biodiversity Boards, Biodiversity Management Committees, Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, industries (involved in production/ manufacturing of green products, as ETP operator), tourism (as Nature/Eco-tourist Guides), agriculture (as organic farmers/green practitioners), education Several of the courses allow students to work for themselves.


The first GSDP course was designed as a pilot program in 10 selected areas of the nation to train biodiversity conservationists (Basic Course) and para-taxonomists (Advance Course) over three months each (covering nine bio-geographic regions).

154 Trainees successfully finished the Advanced Course, qualifying as skilled Para-taxonomists, while 94 Trainees completed the Basic Course, allowing as capable Biodiversity Conservationists. The Pilot program’s nodal centers were BSI and ZSI.


80,000 persons will be included in the GSDP during 2018–19, 2.25 lakh during 2019–20, and approximately 5 lakh people by 2021. They have selected more than 30 programs that will be carried out in 84 institutions nationwide.


  • The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) is utilizing the extensive network and knowledge of Environmental Information System (ENVIS) hubs and Resource Partners to create green talents (RPs).
  • ENVIS is a decentralized network of 66 centers, of which 31 are hosted by state governments or UT administrations known as ENVIS Hubs. The remaining 35 are hosted by governmental and non-governmental organizations concerned with the environment.
  • The skill-building programs cover a wide range of topics, including monitoring pollution (air, water, and soil), operation of sewage treatment plants, effluent treatment plants, and typical effluent treating plants (STP/ETP/CETP), waste management, forest management, water budgeting, auditing, management of wildlife, para taxonomy, including Peoples’ Biodiversity Registers (PBRs), mangrove conservation, bamboo management, and livelihood generation.
  • The courses’ lengths range from 80 hours to around 560 hours.
  • A pool of Master Trainers/Specialists is being developed in the first stage so they may continue to train young people nationwide.
  • All courses shall comply with the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF).

Courses Offered By The Green Skill Development Program:

1. Certificate Course On Para-taxonomy: 

The Course aims to provide intensive training for identifying and authenticating the diversity of plants and animals in many ecosystems, including terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ones.

2. Certificate Course On Pollution Monitoring:

The Course on pollution monitoring aims to give participants a fundamental grasp of all aspects of air, water, and soil pollution, as well as their management and control, and to teach them how to use essential equipment and monitor air and water pollution.

3. Certificate Course On Pollution Monitoring:

The Course on pollution monitoring aims to give participants a fundamental grasp of all aspects of air, water, and soil pollution, as well as their management and control, and to teach them how to use essential equipment and monitor air and water pollution.

4. Certificate Course On ETP/STP/CETP Operation And Maintenance:

The Course primarily focuses on teaching students how to operate, maintain, and monitor sewage treatment plants (STPs), common ETPs, and effluent treatment plants (ETPs), as well as environmental standards, equipment used in treatment plants, occupational health, and safety management, and technical knowledge of ETP, CETP, and STP technologies, as well as sludge management.

5. Certificate Course On Waste Management:

The Course’s objectives are to give participants a thorough understanding of waste characteristics, waste segregation and collection, storage, and disposal, waste processing techniques, and integrated waste management, as well as knowledge and practical experience in supply, segregation, removal, and integrated waste management.

6. Certificate Course On Forest Fire Management:

The Course’s objectives are to give participants a thorough understanding of all facets of forest fire management and fundamental skills for handling forest fires using tactics and equipment to pursue these objectives.

Features of the course

  • Gratis for candidates who cut.
  • According to the National Skill Development Agency, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Government of India, the courses offered via the GSDP are accredited.

Benefits Of Green Skill Development Program:

The GSDP offers numerous advantages to both people and the nation at large. It allows people to learn new skills and expand their knowledge in a developing industry. Also, it improves their employability and creates new employment options.

For the nation, it produces a knowledgeable workforce that can support its long-term growth. Moreover, it promotes environmental management and conservation.

The GSDP has aided the development of India’s green economy. By an NSDC study, the program has trained more than 2 lakh individuals in various green skills and put more than 60,000 of them in positions related to the environment.

Scope Of Green Skill Development Program (GSDP):

The GSDP has a broad scope and covers numerous villages and areas throughout India. It has partnered with several governmental and non-governmental organizations to carry out the program.

These organizations include, among others, the National Institute of Solar Energy, the Centre for Environment Education, the Wildlife Institute of India, the Indian Institute of Forest Management, and the Indian Institute of Technology.

The program has also worked with state governments, particularly the forest departments and pollution control boards, to guarantee that it reaches every section of the nation.


Other national and international organizations have praised the GSDP for its impact and creative approach. The World Future Council presented the GSDP with the Future Policy Gold Award in 2019 in honor of the program’s commitment to green skills and sustainable development.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) have recognized the initiative as one of the best practices for developing green skills.

Challenges Faced By Green Skill Development Program (GSDP):

The GSDP’s implementation has encountered some difficulties. The general public’s ignorance about the program is one of the difficulties. In addition, finding competent green employees is not a priority for businesses or the industry. Another issue is that certain areas need more infrastructure and resources.

How To Apply For The Green Skill Development Program (Gsdp)?

  • You must choose a course that fits your interests and qualifications if you want to apply for the GSDP.
  • You should also review the requirements for the Course you are interested in.
  • The application form can be completed online and submitted with the necessary paperwork.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1-Who is eligible to participate in the Green Skill Development Programme?

A: Youth and working professionals who are either unskilled or semi-skilled in various environmental, forest, and wildlife fields are eligible for the program.

2-How long does the training under the GSDP last?

A: Depending on the level and difficulty of the Course, the training might last anywhere from 40 to 960 hours.

3-What are the benefits of the GSDP?

A: The GSDP provides several advantages, such as higher employability, increased income, improved conservation techniques, and awareness raising.

4-What does the GSDP face challenges?

A: The GSDP has encountered several difficulties, including the need for ongoing monitoring and evaluation and more resources and infrastructure in some locations.

5-How can the GSDP be scaled up and made more accessible to the marginalised sections of society?

A; The GSDP should concentrate on expanding employment prospects in the green sector, particularly in rural areas. The program must be developed and made more accessible to society’s outcasts. The GSDP must also keep up with new technology and trends in the domains of the environment and forests.

What is GSDP in green skills?

The Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) initiated by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) aims to equip the youth of India with the necessary skills in the field of environment and forest sector, enabling them to secure meaningful employment opportunities or become self-employed.


The Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) is a significant effort by the Indian government to reskill, upskill, and skill the workforce in industries connected to the environment and forests.

The curriculum offers instruction on several topics, including solid waste management, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, pollution monitoring and control, and biodiversity protection.

The GSDP might produce a competent workforce contributing to sustainable development and resource conservation.

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